Health Coaching Services

Do you have wellness goals? Do you have tactics to achieve your wellness goals? As a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals, families and organizations achieve their wellness goals.

My services are appropriate for individuals, families, businesses, schools, community groups, teachers, parent groups, churches, home schools and more!

Individual Consultations

Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal, intimate consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan specific to your body type.

Workplace Wellness

For every dollar spent on employee wellness programs, employers receive three to four dollars in healthcare savings according to researchers at Brigham Young University. Let me provide a wellness program customized to fit your needs!

Smart Shopping

Don’t let the aisles and aisles of choices at the grocery store intimidate you. Shop with confidence when you discover the secret to identifying healthy foods. Receive a suggested brand(s) shopping list and personalized attention during this fun shopping trip.

Online Classes

Gain the accountability and knowledge of a personal wellness coach while learning from home! Learn easy ways you can simplify your life while improving your overall health, weight, energy, and focus.

With my expertise, your healthy choices will become habits.

My goal is to meet you where you are at. I’ll suggest small, achievable improvements to your daily habits. I’ll teach you which foods will nourish you with essential nutrients. I’ll suggest ways to incorporate movement in your daily life. Over time you will see improvements in your mind, body and spirit, and it will become easy to feel better in your own body.

My Specialties


As a Certified Health Coach for Families, I have tools and resources for busy families with picky kids. With my program, your family can:

  • Experience improvements in your overall health
  • Have fewer sick days and less time away from school or work
  • Significantly reduce your medical expenses
  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!
  • Experience more active and truly energetic lives

Adults & Seniors

As a Certified Health Coach for Adults and Seniors, I have tools and resources for aging adults who may be experiencing health issues. With my program, adults can:

  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Use good nutrition to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Reduce the risk of cancer and ailments such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis
  • Become fit, strong and flexible


As a Certified Health Coach for Pregnancy, I have tools and resources for expecting moms, from pre-conception through birth. Get tools to:

  • Prepare for your pregnancy, and discover what to avoid and what to do to turn your pregnancy into a healthy new beginning
  • Discover what to eat so that you and your baby will experience optimal nutrition during pregnancy and beyond
  • Learn how to make a smooth transition from pregnancy to motherhood